📖 Trade Agreements and Programs | 贸易协议与项目
📖 Lesson 15 of 21 | 第15课,共21课
📖 Introduction | 介绍
📖 In
the last three modules you learned about the purpose and features of
the HTS, such as the nomenclature, the different types of notes, and the
layout of the classification pages.
📖 在过去的三个模块中,您了解了 HTS 的目的和特点,例如命名规则、不同类型的注释以及分类页面的布局。
📖 You also began to locate the classification and duty rate of certain items using these features and guidelines.
📖 您还开始使用这些功能和指南查找某些商品的分类和关税税率。
📖 In this module, you will learn more about special trade agreements and programs and about Chapters 98 and 99 of the HTS.
📖 本模块将进一步介绍特殊贸易协议和项目,以及 HTS 的第 98 章和第 99 章。
HTS chapters 98 and 99📜 Trade Agreements and Programs | 贸易协议和项目
📖 The
United States has many trade agreements and preference programs that
result in reduced or duty-free treatment on eligible goods.
📖 美国有许多贸易协议和优惠项目,适用于符合条件的商品,能够获得减少或免关税待遇。
📖 As explained in the last lesson, these agreements are described in the GNs section of the HTS.
📖 如上一课所述,这些协议在 HTS 的总注部分有所描述。
HTS general notes📍 Where are Trade Agreement and Preference Program Duty Rates Shown in the HTS? | 贸易协议和优惠项目的关税税率在哪儿显示?
📖 These
rates of duty appear in column 1 in the subcolumn “special.” Column 1
also shows, in some cases, references to chapter 98 or 99 provisions
that indicate whether special rates of duty or conditions apply.
📖 这些关税税率出现在 HTS 第 1 栏的“特殊”子栏中。在某些情况下,第 1 栏还会显示与第 98 章或第 99 章条款的引用,表明是否适用特殊税率或条件。
📖 Column
1 special rates of duty are either enacted by Congress or proclaimed by
the President. In most cases, the duty treatment needed to implement a
preference program or trade agreement is proclaimed by the President for
each product involved.
📖 第 1 栏的特殊关税税率要么由国会颁布,要么由总统宣布。在大多数情况下,实现优惠项目或贸易协议所需的关税处理是由总统针对每种商品宣布的。
Special duty rate column
There are footnotes or endnotes on HTS pages that may also refer to
chapter 98 or 99 provisions. However, the footnotes/endnotes and their
placement have no legal force, so it is up to the user to find all
appropriate tariff provisions.
📖 注意:HTS 页面上有脚注或尾注,可能会引用第 98 章或第 99 章条款。然而,脚注/尾注及其位置没有法律效力,因此用户需要自行查找所有相关的关税条款。
📖 Many
chapter 98 provisions apply across a wide range of tariff headings in
chapters 1-97 or even the entire schedule, and therefore cannot be
📖 许多第 98 章条款适用于第 1 到第 97 章的广泛关税条目,甚至适用于整个关税表,因此无法作为脚注显示。
⚙️ How are Special Rates of Duty Proclaimed or Enacted? | 特殊关税税率是如何宣布或颁布的?
📖 The process is slightly different for trade agreements and for tariff preference programs.
📖 贸易协议和关税优惠项目的过程略有不同。
📖 Click the arrows to see the information on trade agreements and tariff preference programs. | 点击箭头查看有关贸易协议和关税优惠项目的信息。
1. Trade Agreements | 贸易协议
📖 The
initial proclamation normally contains all duty treatment (including
the staged reductions that are negotiated) for the life of the program
or agreement.
📖 初始的公告通常包含项目或协议期间的所有关税处理(包括商定的逐步减免)。
📖 These proclamations are issued after Congress grants authority and passes an implementing bill.
📖 这些公告在国会授予权限并通过实施法案后发布。
📖 The
special duty rates under trade agreements are set based on multilateral
and bilateral negotiations and agreed texts with schedules of
concessions, or rates are based on unilateral actions.
📖 贸易协议下的特殊关税税率是基于多边和双边谈判、达成的文本及优惠表制定的,或者是基于单边行动设定的税率。
📖 Provisions
of multilateral and bilateral agreements can only be changed as a
result of negotiations with the member countries, with a few limited
exceptions, to avoid consequences under the agreements.
📖 多边和双边协议的条款只能通过与成员国的谈判进行更改,只有少数有限的例外情况,以避免违反协议的后果。
2. Tariff Preference Programs | 关税优惠项目
📖 Congress
has established how the programs must be structured, and duty rates
under these programs are unilaterally set rather than negotiated.
📖 国会已确定了这些项目的结构,并且这些项目下的关税税率是单方面设定的,而非通过谈判。
📖 These
programs’ criteria are incorporated in the HTS general notes; for
example, you can see the provisions of the U.S. Generalized System of
Preference (GSP) in HTS general note 4.
📖 这些项目的标准被纳入 HTS 总注中;例如,您可以在 HTS 总注 4 中看到美国普惠制(GSP)的条款。
📖 Unilateral rates set under domestic statutes can be changed as the United States sees fit, without negotiation.
📖 根据国内法案设定的单边税率可由美国自行更改,无需谈判。