📖 What are Special Program Indicators (SPIs)? | 特殊项目指示符(SPI)是什么?
📖 Special codes also known as Special Program Indicators designate the applicability of a particular trade program.
📖 特殊代码,也称为特殊项目指示符,用于标明特定贸易项目的适用性。
📖 These
codes are described in General Note 3(c)(i), “Products Eligible for
Special Tariff Treatment,” of the HTS General Notes (GN 3(c)(i)).
📖 这些代码在 HTS 总注(GN 3(c)(i))中有描述,标题为“符合特殊关税待遇的产品”。
Special program indicators
📖 The
Special Program Indicators associated with the agreements, which appear
in the “special” subcolumn for 8-digit subheadings, are shown after the
name of the country or countries.
📖 与协议相关的特殊项目指示符,出现在 8 位子目的“特殊”子栏中,通常显示在国家名称后面。
📖 Bilateral
agreements employ the ISO (International Organization for
Standardization) country code for the partner country to show the
applicable duty rate.
📖 双边协议使用国际标准化组织(ISO)的国家代码来表示适用的关税税率。
📖 For example, the ISO code used for the free trade agreement (FTA) with Australia is “AU”; that for the FTA with Chile is “CL.”
📖 例如,与澳大利亚的自由贸易协定(FTA)使用的 ISO 代码是“AU”;与智利的 FTA 使用的代码是“CL”。
Special program indicators📊 Special Program Indicators for FTAs | 自由贸易协定(FTA)的特殊项目指示符
📖 Special
Program Indicators for a multi-country program, or FTA, are listed with
a single letter of the alphabet (such as “A” for GSP, “P” for CAFTA, or
“S” for USMCA), which may be followed by the symbols * or + to show
that other rules apply.
📖 多国项目或自由贸易协定(FTA)的特殊项目指示符用字母表示(例如,“A”代表普惠制(GSP), “P”代表中美洲自由贸易协议(CAFTA),或“S”代表美墨加协议(USMCA)),后面可能附加符号 * 或 +,表示适用其他规则。
📖 The
United States has implemented multilateral or bilateral free trade
agreements with several countries and regions. A list of these Special
Program Indicators is below:
📖 美国已经与多个国家和地区实施了多边或双边自由贸易协定。以下是这些特殊项目指示符的列表:
| Agreement | 协议 | SPI Code | 指示符代码 |
| African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) | 非洲增长与机会法案(AGOA) | D |
| Australia | 澳大利亚 | AU |
| Bahrain | 巴林 | BH |
| Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (CBERA) | 加勒比盆地经济恢复法案(CBERA) | E |
| Caribbean Basin Trade Partnership Act (CBTPA) | 加勒比盆地贸易伙伴关系法案(CBTPA) | R |
| Chile | 智利 | CL |
| Colombia | 哥伦比亚 | CO |
Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement
Implementation (CAFTA-DR) | 多米尼加共和国-中美洲-美国自由贸易协定实施(CAFTA-DR) | P |
| Israel | 以色列 | IL |
| Japan | 日本 | JP |
| Jordan | 约旦 | JO |
| Korea | 韩国 | KR |
| Morocco | 摩洛哥 | MA |
| Nepal | 尼泊尔 | NP |
| Oman | 阿曼 | OM |
| Panama | 巴拿马 | PA |
| Peru | 秘鲁 | PE |
| Singapore | 新加坡 | SG |
| United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) | 美墨加协议(USMCA) | S |
📑 Example of SPIs | SPI 示例
📖 The
following is an example of how codes are used with a specific item in
the tariff schedule. In this case, the product is sugar. The codes are
indicated in the "Special" column.
📖 以下是代码如何与关税表中的特定商品一起使用的示例。在此案例中,商品是糖。相关代码显示在“特殊”栏中。