ECTN Electronic Cargo Tracking Note
Forexports in certain african countries require an ECTN (Electronic Cargo TrackingNote) / Waiver. It gives the countries the possibility to control thereimports. All informationwith reservation!
Transports which require an ECTN:
Byseafreight as FCL, LCL, conventional and RO/RO loads.
ECTN request:
Eachcountry has its own agents for the request of the ECTN. The ECTN must beapplied strictly before shipment and must be cited in the Bill of Lading.
Shipments without ECTN:
Allshipments that do not have a valid ECTN number, will not unloaded at the portof destination until a valid ECTN number was organized. All penalties and costsincurred by the customs office, shipping company and port company have to bepaid by the consignee.
Countriesand ports which require an ECTN:
Angola: Luanda, Lobito
Benin: Cotonou
BurkinaFaso: Ouagadougou
Cameroun: Douala, Yaounde
CentralAfrican Republic: Bangui
Congo: Pointe Noire
CoteD’Ivoire: Abidjan, San Pedro
Dem.Rep. of Congo: Matadi, Kinshasa
Gabon: Libreville, Port Gentil
Guinea: Conaky
Guinea-Bissau: Bissau
Madagascar: Toamasina, Antanarivo
Mali: Bamako
Niger: Niamey
Senegal: Dakar
Togo: Lome
Example of ECTN names in differentcountries:
Angola: LC = Loading Certificate
Cameroun: BESC = Bordereau Electronique de Suivi de Cargaison
Dem. Rep. of Congo: FERI = Fiche Électronique desRenseignements à l‘Importation
Niger: BSC = Bordereau de Suivi de Cargaison
Gabon: BIETC = Bordereau d’Identification Électronique deTraçabilité des Cargaisons